Straumlind supports the fight against breast cancer

Straumlind supports the fight against breast cancer.

For every registration through, we will donate 1.000 kr. ISK directly to the Icelandic Pink Ribbon Foundation during the period 20.-27. October 2023.

We encourage everyone in Iceland to support this important cause by registering to Straumlind and simultaniously support the Pink ribbon pin for 1.000 kr. and lower their electricity cost.

Straumlind logo
Bjargargata 1 102 Reykjavík
Kennitala: 480920-0150
VSK númer: 139585
Höfundaréttur © Straumlind 2024
Contact info
Tölvupóstur og Messenger skilaboð eru bestu leiðirnar til að ná sambandi við Straumlind.
Símsvörun kl. 10-12 alla virka daga.