About Straumlind


Straumlind is an electricity supplier. Straumlind’s objective is to offer its customers favourable prices on electricity.  

To reach its objective Straumlind uses its own software, artificial intelligence and automation. In addition to that Straumlind keeps overhead costs to a minimum. 

Straumlind’s vision for the future is to make the electricity system “smarter”. By using data science and artificial intelligence the efficiency of the electricity system can be maximised, cost minimised and an energy balance supported. Straumlind looks to the future with positivity and sees many opportunities in the transition to electric vehicles in Iceland. 

Straumlind contributes to increased competition and offers companies, homes and owners of electric vehicles better prices on electricity. 


Straumlind employs a team of specialists:

  • Símon Einarsson, CEO
  • Ólöf Embla Einarsdóttir, COO
  • Samuel Nicholas Perkin, PhD, CTO
  • Gunnar Einarsson, Chief Systems Architecht
  • Hafdís Renötudóttir, Marketing and Business Relations

Data Protection

  • Personal Information

Straumlind processes personal information which the customer has provided,mainly in the registration process. Straumlind bases its permission to use this information on Act Nr. 90/2018 on Data Protection and Data Processing. Straumlind only acquires personal information that is necessary for the business relationship it has with its customer and to fulfill its legal requirements. 

  • Information sharing with third parties

Straumlind does not share personal information with any third party for any other purpose than is necessary to fulfill its obligations and contracts or for other legal purposes.

  • Processing of Non-Personally Identifiable Information

Straumlind reserves the right to prepare non-personally identifiable reports about electricity usage and use them in its operation such as planning.

  • Training and Confidentiality

Employees of Straumlind receive training on Data Protection and the importance of ensuring security and confidentiality of personal information of each customer.

Employees of Straumlind are obliged to maintain confidentiality on the information they have access to due to their employment. Confidentiality still applies after employment has ended.

Government Administration

Orkustofnun (National Energy Authority) issues licences to electricity supply companies. It also has the role to monitor compliance of companies operating under issued licences with the Electricity Act which entails resolving complaints among other responsibilities. Further information can be obtained here.

The main laws and regulations that apply to Straumlinds operations are: 

Straumlind logo
Bjargargata 1 102 Reykjavík
Kennitala: 480920-0150
VSK númer: 139585
Höfundaréttur © Straumlind 2025
Contact info
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