Pricelist and Contract
English translation
Electricity - General usage
Household / Individual: 9,92 kr. / kWst (8,0 kr. / kWst without VAT)
Businesses / Legal entities: 10,91 kr. / kWst (8,88 kr. / kWst without VAT)
Electric heating
Electric heating: 8,88 kr. / kWst (8,0 kr. / kWst without 11% VAT)
Night-time discount between 02-06 AM
Household / Individual with hourly measurement: 6,55 kr. / kWst (5,28 kr. / kWst without VAT)
Certificate of renewable origin
Green certificate: 0,62 kr. / kWst (0,5 kr kWst without VAT)
Payment via Credit Card: 0 kr.
Payment via an Icelandic Online Bank: 124 kr. (100 kr. without VAT)
1. Parties to the contract and scope
Straumlind ehf., social security number 480920-0150, here after Straumlind, and [NAME], kt. [SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER], here after the customer, have entered an electricity sales contract without an expiration date regarding Straumlind selling the customer electricity at the address the customer stipulated during registration.
This contract also applies to other addresses that are registered to the customer if he/she/they makes a request to Straumlind to buy electricity at that address or if Netorka registers an additional address to the customer.
This contract stipulates the rights and obligations of both parties. This contract covers the subject of Straumlind’s electricity sale to the customer but excludes the subjects of production, transmission and distribution of electricity, which are services provided by other companies.
Straumlind sells electricity in accordance with the Electricity Act No. 65/2003, Regulation No. 1040/2005 on the implementation of the Electricity Act and Regulation No. 1150/2019 on electricity trading and measuring.
2. Acquiring information and making estimations
The customer accepts that Straumlind will acquire information from the relevant distribution company about his/her/their electricity usage in the past, such as meter number, distribution area, address, current electricity supplier, distributor pricepoint, projected annual usage, average usage, last reading of the meter, measurement method, meter status, meter multiplying factor and meter digit count. If the electricity usage is measured every hour Straumlind will receive measurements for the last 24 months. The information that Straumlind acquires about the customers electricity usage in the past is used to estimate the customers future usage.
If a customer has not bought electricity in the past Straumlind is authorised to estimate the customers usage of electricity based on usage of customers that Straumlind deems comparable.
3. Switching from one electricity supplier another (Icelandic: “Söluaðilaskipti”)
If a customer is currently a customer of another electricity supplier, his/her/their signing of this contract will lead to him/her/them switching from that supplier to Straumlind (Icelandic: “söluaðilaskipti”). The process of switching from one supplier to another will be in accordance with Chapter 9 of Netmálar from Landsnet hf., cf. terms B6 on communication between parties on the electricity market regarding basic-, measurement- and settlement data.
4. User switch (Icelandic: “Notendaskipti”)
If the customer moves from one address to another and his/her/their address changes within the duration of the contract that leads to a “user switch” (Icelandic: “notendaskipti”). A user switch means that a customer's connection to the electricity system moves from one address to another. This generally does not impact the business relationship between Straumlind and the customer, but Straumlind reserves the right to decline the customer’s new address.
5. Price and terms of payment
The price of electricity is determined by Straumlind’s price list as it is at any time unless a special agreement has been made or if the electricity usage of the customer is such that it does not fit into the general price model, e.g. if it is especially irregular or extra high demand during peak hours.
The price list is published on The customer can also see the price that he/she/they is paying for electricity on Straumlind’s electricity bills. In addition, Straumlind collects taxes and other fees for electricity usage in accordance with the current legislation.
Straumlind issues a bill every month to the customer for electricity usage. Customers can optain the bill on My Pages (Icelandic: Mínar síður) on
Straumlind offers their customers two payment methods. Either to via an Icelandic online bank or with a credit card. Straumlind reserves the right to add collection fees to both payment methods.
6. Collection, penal interests and discontinuance of electricity delivery
If a bill is not paid on its date of maturity penal interest will be added from that date until the bill is fully paid, in accordance with III. Chapter of Act No. 38/2001 on interests and indexation. In addition to penal interests Straumlind will charge collection costs.
If the customer has chosen to pay with regular payments on a credit card and Straumlind is unable to charge the card on the date of maturity then Straumlind will contact the customer and request that he/she/they does what is needed to clear up this issue as soon as possible. If Straumlind is still unable to charge the card ten days after that then Straumlind will send the customer the bill via the online banking system and simultaniously remove the customer from the credit card payment option.
If the customer is in default Straumlind will send a payment encouragement letter containing a warning that without payment a discontinuance of electricity delivery or the contract will be revoked. The notice of the discontinuance of electricity delivery or the contract being revoked will be at least 30 days. Straumlind is permitted, with the assistance of a distribution company, to discontinue electricity delivery to the customer until the bill and derived collection cost has been paid in full.
A claim stemming from an electricity bill which has been collected in accordance with the Electricity Act is enforceable without judgement or settlement.
7. The end of the business relationship
The general minimum termination period is at least 3 weeks before the end of the month and then the termination will come into effect at the beginning of next month. When there are less than 3 weeks to the end of the month the termination will come into effect at the beginning of the second next month. If a customer uses more than 0,5 GWh annually the termination period is 3 months and if a customer uses mort than 1 GWh annually the termination period is 4 months.
A customer can revoke this contract if Straumlind substantially fails its obligations.
Straumlind can revoke this contract if a customer does not pay his/her electricity bill. If the customer is in default, Straumlind will send a payment encouragement letter containing a warning that without payment, electricity delivery will be discontinued and the contract will be revoked. The notice about the discontinuance of electricity delivery and the contract revocation will be at least 30 days.
Straumlind can revoke this contract without notice if bankruptcy proceedings have begun towards the customer.
8. Data protection
Straumlind processes personal information which the customer has provided himself/herself/themself, for example during the registration process. Straumlind bases its permission to use this information on Act Nr. 90/2018 on Data Protection and Data Processing. Straumlind only acquires personal information that is necessary to fulfil contractual obligations to the customer and to fulfil legal requirements. Straumlind does not disclose personal information for other purposes but those which are necessary to fulfil contracts or for other legal purposes.
9. Force Majeure
Straumlind is not responsible for damage resulting from unforeseen events (force majeure) generally meaning conditions which neither party could have foreseen that have direct effect on the fulfilment of the contract, such as natural disasters, e.g. floods or drought, fire or war. Otherwise, force majeure issues shall be resolved according to the general rules of obligations.
If there are difficulties in procuring electricity, Straumlind is authorised, without liability, to decrease its delivery of electricity. Straumlind will inform about such decreases in advance if that is at all possible.
10. Resolving conflict
If a conflict arises between Straumlind and the customer in relation to this contract both parties shall attempt to seek reconciliation. If that is unsuccessful the customer can file a complaint with Orkustofnun (The National Energy Authority). The customer can also file a complaint with Orkustofnun if he/she believes Straumlind has not fulfilled its obligations according to the Electricity Act or related regulations.
Should a court case rise in relation to this contract it shall be filed with Héraðsdómur Reykjavíkur (The District Court of Reykjavík).
11. Declining a business relationship
Straumlind reserves the right to decline a business relationship if the nature of the electricity usage of that individual or legal person makes it extremely difficult for Straumlind to deliver the requested amount of electricity, is in dept towards Straumlind, is registered as being in default on the defaultsregister or is bankrupt.
If Straumlind chooses to decline a business relationship with someone who falls under the term of being a „general user“ that individual or legal person can send a complaint about that decision to Orkustofnun (The National Energy Authority).
If the customer is a legal person:
[NAME], kt. [SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER], who did this contract on behalf of the customer, has confirmed the he/she/they has the authority within the customer to legally bind the customer towards its contract with Straumlind.