Night-time discount - great savings for owners of electric vehicles

An owner of an electric car that utilities Night-time discount and charges their car between the hours of 02:00-06:00 AM receives a 34% discount from Straumlinds general price in this time period.

In addition, it shall be noted, that Straumlinds general price is significantly lower than the general price of the biggest electricity sellers that do not offer a Night-time discount. Our night-time price is therefore 45% lower than the general price of ON and Orkusalan.

The prices we are talking about are the following:

  • Straumlind - General price = 8,85 kr. kWh and Night-time discount = 5,8 kr. kWh.

  • Others - General price: ON = 10,55 kr. kWh, Orkusalan = 10,53 kr. kWh and HS Orka 9,98 kr. kWh.

The number of electric cars is growing fast in Icelandic households and the electricity usage of households is therefore growing. As incredible as it sounds the electricity cost does not have to increase simultaneously.

An average household with one electric car uses ca. 8.000 kWh annually or 667 kWh per month. The picture shows how the Night-time discount lowers the cost.

A household that charges its car during the night can direct 50% of its total electricity usage to the lower night-time price. All electricity is identical and therefore there is no reason to pay over 7.000 kr. a month for electricity that you can get for 4.899 kr.

The distributer HS Veitur is currently the only distributer where the Night-time discount has been activated. According to information from the other distributers they are all getting prepared.

Straumlind offers the same electricity, only cheaper!

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Kennitala: 480920-0150
VSK númer: 139585
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